If you own a cat, you’re likely to own at least one scratching post. But gone are the days of one small, lonely, frayed, or bare post, hidden from view by some strategically placed furniture. Nowadays the selection of scratching posts and activity trees available is vast and there’s something to suit all spaces and budgets. But do cats really need one? And which type of scratching post will your cat enjoy the most?
Why do cats scratch?
Are you unfortunate enough to own a cat that scratches up your furniture? While frustrating for you, scratching is a functional behavior that comes naturally to all cats. There are three main reasons why cats scratch:
- Mark territory
- Sharpen nails
- Stretch

An important part of cat behavior is marking territory. While scratching, cats leave their scent on the surface, which enables cats to recognize their own territory. Since scratching sharpens the nails, it is also a form of self-grooming that helps your cat keep its claws in great condition.
We can conclude that scratching is very much a functional behavior that can not be unlearned. You would be smart to accommodate your cat’s needs by placing a scratch tree somewhere inside your house. Else, they might satisfy their urges by destroying your couch or other costly furniture!
What kind of scratching post do cats prefer?
- The first thing to work out is whether your cat likes scratching horizontal or vertical rope (or both!)
- We mentioned that cats use scratch to stretch, so another important facet is to consider a post that’s tall enough for your cat- a safe guideline is to have at least 90 cm (or 35 inches). Strong climbers like the Abyssinian will prefer a very tall cat tree if your house can support it.
- A post should also have a wide base to avoid toppling over. Wobbly trees are dangerous.
- Cats may prefer different materials, but most tend to enjoy sisal fabric or tightly wound sisal rope.
Additional reading: How to pick the right scratch post for your cat
Do cats like cat trees?
Cat trees are often a good option as they contain several levels with different scratching areas, perfect for finicky cats. In fact, one study showed that cats with cat trees were less likely to scratch elsewhere than those with other types of scratching posts! A young, active cat would likely prefer a tall, multi-level activity tree with various platforms, scratch surfaces, and hunting target toys.
On the other hand, an older cat with reduced mobility would prefer something lower to the ground, without very high platforms or anything requiring too much agility. That being said, an older cat still needs stimulation and would still enjoy some dangling mice, balls, or bells to play with.
Another thing to consider is whether your cat remains indoors or goes outside. If your cat goes outside, they will likely get a fair amount of stimulation, fun, and exercise in their outdoor environment, so there isn’t so much demand for an ‘all-singing, all-dancing’ cat tree as there would be for an indoor cat.
Some cats like to hide or survey their surroundings from a high vantage point, away from the hustle and bustle of human life. Take this into consideration when choosing a scratch post or tree, since there are many available that have hideyholes and high platforms.
The best places in your home for a cat tree
Generally speaking, giving your cat their own allocated space in a room of the house is often appreciated. This doesn’t mean you can’t approach them and play or interact with them if they seem keen, but it means they can retreat to their own space if they choose to.
However, cats also like to scratch as a way to stretch after waking, so providing a post near their favorite sleeping spot may be helpful. Don’t forget, a scratching post is a key resource for cats. That means you’ll need one for each cat, plus one spare. They don’t all have to be huge but making sure there’s a few posts dotted around the house increases the chance that they will use them.
There is a type of cat tree that has multiple components like shelves, tunnels, or hides that fix onto the wall. This can be a great space-saving way to allow your cat to exhibit their natural behaviors whilst indoors, without compromising floor space in your home interior.
How do you attract a cat to a cat tree?
Using an anti-stress spray like Feliway or Pet Remedy will cover the new smell and make your cat feel relaxed and safe as they explore their new activity center.
Leaving some treats dotted around the tree will also help to turn it into their new favorite spot. You can also praise and reward them for scratching in the correct area!
Indoor cats technically do not really need a cat tree. But if you don’t provide them with a place to scratch, there’s a good chance they will start scratching up other items in your house. Since scratching posts are so beneficial to both the physical and mental health of your cat, we highly recommend adding one to your home. If you happen to have a young, energetic cat, choose as large a tree as you have space for – they’ll thank you for it!
While declawing is a painful and unnecessary procedure that we do not support, there are plenty of declawed cats around the world who can still benefit from scratchable objects in their environment. In fact, the extra verticality is something most cats thoroughly enjoy! If you own a declawed cat, consider buying a tree with a ramp at the bottom, that way your cat can start the climb without having to rely on their absent nails for the initial pull.
If you have a single cat, make sure the post is at least 100 cm / 40 inches tall to provide plenty of space to scratch and stretch.
If you have multiple cats, go even bigger. Cats don’t like to share, so ideally you would have to buy a scratching post with multiple hangouts and hiding spots.
Really interesting post!
My kitties got a cat tree and part of their ritual is scratching its post which helps their claws stay in shape. I tend to place their tree near the window for them to see a bit of the outside world and sunlight exposure. Thanks for sharing your insight.
You should not even mention declawing in your story, that barbaric ignorant practice should be called cat mutilation!!
Declawing should be against to LAW!!! Lets blind cat owners who declaw their best friends!!!